HOLEC, ZUSKA & Partners provide extensive portfolio of services focused on Labour Law in the Czech Republic while taking into account the Czech membership in the EU. Advice provided by the firm in the labour sector aims to establish preventive measures minimizing risks that would otherwise arise to clients when they are made subject to inspections by state administrative bodies responsible for the labour issues, as well as risks arising from relationships between them as employers and their employees, including elimination of negative consequences of terminations (invalidity of termination etc.) of both regular staff and management. Besides structuring and drafting of the contracts, workplace policies, terminations, the firm provides advice in the following areas:
Optimization of labour relationship forms, modifications thereof and terminations of employment;
Advice on the rights and obligations and claims arising from an employment relationship, including social security and health insurance-related advice;
Immigration and work permits for foreign employees, work assignments, training, business trips;
Terminations-related advice, including mass redundancies, claims, severance packages;
Competition clauses;
Labour union relations, collective bargaining agreements, relations with the employees’ councils European Works Councils – advice on obligations toward employees arising during mergers etc.
Advice on issues related to work and health safety, employers’ obligations, work injuries and related claims, professional injuries and illnesses etc.
Labour law-related litigation.
HOLEC, ZUSKA & Partners provide comprehensive advice including advice on taxation matters in connection with labour-law contracts or performance hereunder. The firm has been recommended for labour law services for instance in the PLC Which Lawyer publications. In 2012, HOLEC, ZUSKA & Partners completed a major analysis of labour relations for the Ministry of Education, Youth and Physical Education, within the framework of the EF-TRANS initiative, in the field of research, development and innovations.