
Contacts for this specialization:

HOLEC, ZUSKA & PARTNERS has an extensive experience and offers professional services and legal advice in the field of competition law and regulations, both in cases of transactions realised among local Czech companies or global transactions that would have impact on the Czech market.

These services are often connected with the acquisitions of shares in Czech companies (merger, consolidation or takeover of companies, their enterprises or parts thereof) or relate to attaining a certain market share or enforcing (or preventing) certain competitive behaviour in the course of regular business activity. They can also relate to public tenders or provision of state support or subsidies. Services offered by HOLEC, ZUSKA & PARTNERS include comprehensive representation of clients not only in proceedings at the Office for the Protection of Economic Competition /Anti-monopoly Authority – Úřad pro ochranu hospodářské soutěže – in connection with the granting of permits for mergers of companies or other competition negotiations, but also with application of court reviews of decisions of the Authority and further advisory activity related to all aspects of competition law and regulations.